HP X.400 Product Numbers 32031A 32032A, 32055A, 32056A, 32057A HP X.400 is based on the CCITT X.400 1988 standards and offers multivendor electronic messaging for HP 9000 and HP 3000 computers. With HP X.400, users of HP OpenMail, HP Desk and UNIX Mail can exchange electronic mail messages worldwide by using a single HP X.400 Server. Additionally, the HP X.400 API can be used to develop other messaging applications such as EDI, FAX and TELEX. HP X.400 can also provide the foundation upon which an entire X.400 backbone network can be built. Features Integrated with HP OpenMail: HP OpenMail provides a native X.400 electronic mail system. Together, HP X.400 and HP OpenMail/UX enable users to exchange text and binary file types (e.g. spreadsheet, word processing and graphics) with other X.400 electronic mail systems. The addressing scheme in HP OpenMail is consistent with the X.400 standard, and the message features provide a superset of the X.400 specification. HP OpenMail also enables HP Desk users to exchange information with other users on X.400 networks. E-mail Gateways: HP X.400 supports gateways to OpenMail, UNIX mail and HP DeskManager networks. HP X.400 can transform one node of an OpenMail, UNIX (ARPA) and/or HP Desk network into the gateway node to an X.400 environment. HP X.400 API: HP's X.400 API allows application developers to create their own X.400 applications for both HP-UX and MPE operating systems. EDI, FAX, Telex and other store-and-foreward applications can be built on top of X.400. X.400 Network Management: HP X.400 nodes can be configured and managed from remote nodes within the network. Network administrator tools can automatically warn the network administrator if remote X.400 nodes are encountering potential error conditions. HP X.400 also includes logging facilities for billing and troubleshooting. Binary File Support: HP X.400 allows OpenMail and HP Desk users to send binary files such as spreadsheets, graphics and word processing files in addition to ASCII text messages. Users can send and receive these binary files using the X.400 "unidentified body part." Interoperability and Troubleshooting Tools: HP provides a full set of tools to help simplify the interoperability and troubleshooting process. HP's OSI tools allow the network administrator to check the interoperability of the network at various layers of the OSI stack, isolating problems quickly and easily. PC to X.400 Access: Users of HP AdvanceMail and NewWave Mail for the PC can also create X.400 messages. AdvanceMail and NewWave Mail provide remote user agent capabilities. Users can compose messages on their PCs and later transfer them to HP OpenMail or HP Desk for distribution within the X.400, OpenMail, HP Desk and UNIX environments. Directory Aliasing: HP X.400 allows users to send messages to recipients in the X.400 environment, knowing only the recipients' name. Directory Aliasing allows a person's name to be associated with a complete X.400 address. This means the electronic mail user does not need to enter the entire X.400 address in order to send an X.400 message. X.25 and 802.3 with Transport Classes 0, 2 and 4: HP X.400 runs over OTS/9000, HP's Session and Transport layers, on top of X.25 or LAN. OTS allows the network administrator to configure transport class 0 (TP0), 2 (TP2) or 4 (TP4) with negotiation from a higher class down to a lower class when running over X.25. Functional Description HP X.400 provides a foundation for electronic messaging. HP X.400 can be used for the implementation of electronic mail gateways, X.400 backbone networks, or the development of store- and-foreward applications with the X.400 API. Electronic Mail Gateways HP Desk to X.400 Gateway HP X.400 when used in conjunction with HP X.400/HPDesk (P/N 32055A or 32056A) can transform a single node or multiple nodes of an HP DeskManager network into connecting nodes to an X.400 environment. Through these nodes, users anywhere in the HP DeskManager network can access the X.400 environment. Creating an HP Desk to X.400 gateway requires two components: An HP X.400 Server and the HP X.400/HP Desk Gateway software. An HP X.400 Server consists of any HP 9000 with 802.3 and/or X.25 links along with the HP X.400 Software and OSI Transport Services Software. (HP offers a low end hardware software X.400 bundle to make it easy to order X.400 for HP Desk.) The X.400/HP Desk Gateway software runs on an HP 3000 and links HP DeskManager to an HP X.400 Server. Multiple HP DeskManager nodes, each with their own X.400/HP Desk Gateway, can talk directly to a single HP X.400 Server. HP DeskManager nodes without the Gateway software can also send X.400 messages using the X.400/HP Desk nodes as a common gateway to the X.400 Server. HP 3000 systems communicate with the X.400 Server using NS over a LAN or X.25. Sendmail Gateway to X.400 HP X.400 can send and receive messages between Sendmail based electronic mail and X.400 networks. Messages are submitted to Sendmail from UNIX mail (mailx or elm). Sendmail then routes the message to either SMTP, UUCP or X.400, based on the recipient's address. When the message is X.400 bound, HP X.400 maps the address to an X.400 format then sends the message to the appropriate destination. X.400 Backbone HP's X.400 can be used as a high performance message switch. As an X.400 backbone, HP X.400 acts as a relaying MTA, routing messages from other MTAs throughout an X.400 network. HP's flexibility in routing and our easy to use configuration interface make it ideal for X.400 backbones. Additionally, HP's network management tools simplify the maintenance of X.400 networks making implementation of large X.400 networks possible. HP OpenMail can also run directly on top of X.400. This allows for the creation of an entire electronic mail network based on an X.400 backbone X.400 Application Programmatic Interface (API) A simple X.400 API allows application developers to create X.400 store-and-forward applications. Applications such as FAX and TELEX to X.400 gateways along with EDI applications are easily integrated with X.400 using 6 basic programmatic calls: X4_BEGIN_SEND () X4_PUT_ATTRIBUTE() X4_SEND () X4_RECEIVE () X4_GET_ATTRIBUTE () X4_END_RECEIVE () Performance Performance for HP X.400 is measured in messages per hour over a LAN. A message is 1K byte long with one recipient. A single X.400 node can route X.400 messages at the following maximum rates: X.400 Performance SPU S/360 S/825 S/835 S/855 870 Number of 1200 2300 5000 8000 12000 Messages Per Hour Conformance HP's X.400 is certified with NIST as U.S. GOSIP I compliant. HP supports the leading X.400 implementor's agreements from the U.S. and Europe: CCITT X.400, X.402, X.411, X.420, X.200, X.208, X.209, X.218, and X.228; and ENV 41201 and 41202. Interoperability HP supports interoperability with the following X.400 vendors: AT&T, CDC, Data General, Digital, IBM, NCR, Nixdorf, Olivetti, Prime, Retix, Siemens, SUN, Touch, Wang, Xerox. HP has certified interoperability with the following public carriers: AT&T Mail, British Telecom, DialCom, Dutch PTT, Finnish PTT, France Telecom, MCI Mail, SprintMail. Documentation For detailed usage and technical information, please consult the following Hewlett-Packard manuals: 32055-90001 HP X.400/HP Desk Node Administrator's Guide 32055-90002 Using HP DeskManager Connected to X.400 32034-90001 Installing and Administering HP X.400 Installation and Support Policy The HP X.400 software is customer installable and configurable. Installation and configuration can also be performed by HP through the purchase of consulting services. The X.400 server bundle (P/N 32057A) includes initial installation and configuration by a trained HP Systems or Computer Engineer. Later changes to the configuration can be performed either by the customer or by HP through purchase of consulting services. Interoperability testing can be purchased from HP on a time and materials basis. The HP X.400/HP Desk Gateway software for MPE systems is also customer installable. HP X.400 works with most UNIX mail user agents which interface to sendmail. HP currently supports only the HP OpenMail, ELM and Mailx user interfaces when used with supported configurations of sendmail. Support services for HP X.400 are available through standard HP support channels. HP X.400 version D.01.00 requires HP-UX version 8.0. A 132MB (or larger) disk drive is also required. HP X.400/HP Desk requires MPE/V version V delta 8 or MPE/XL version 2.0 (or later), NS services, and the LAN Link product for the HP 3000. It also requires version B.03.B0 (or later) of HPDesk. The X.400 Server may be any HP 9000 System running HP-UX version 8.0 (or later). Ordering Information HP X.400 includes email gateways for Sendmail and OpenMail. HP X.400 also includes the HP X.400 API. The HP X.400/HP Desk Gateway must be purchased separately. HP X.400 for the Series 300/400 (P/N 32031A) HP X.400 for the Series 600/800 (P/N 32032A) Required Products: HP OSI Transport Services/9000 for the Series 300/400 (P/N 32069A) HP OSI Transport Services/9000 for the Series 600/800 (P/N 32070A) ARPA Services/9000 is also required for use of X.400 with Sendmail Options for 6XX/8XX Software Only AA0 - S/W on Cartridge AA1 - S/W on Mag Tape AAH - S/W on DAT AH0 - For use on S/808 AEL - For use on S/815 AE5 - For use on S/825,832,635 AE6 - For use on S/835,645 AEN - For use on S/840,845 AEP - For use on S/850,855 AH1 - For use on S/870 HP X.400 requires concurrent or prior purchase of HP X.25 Link/9000 or HP LAN Link/9000. HP Desk to X.400 Gateway To connect HP Desk to X.400 requires the purchase of at least one copy of the HP X.400/HP Desk Gateway for MPE. HP also provides a low end hardware/software bundle to simplify the ordering of an X.400 Server for MPE systems. 32057A HP X.400 Server Bundle opt 100 Replace ThinLAN with ThickLAN opt 200 X.25 Link opt 300 Delete Modem opt 400 Replace 152 MB Drive w/304 MB Drive 32055A HP X.400/HP Desk for MPE/XL opt 320 For Series 925 or 925LX opt 330 For Series 935 opt 340 For Series 950 or 955 32056A HP X.400/HP Desk for MPE/V opt 310 For use on MICRO 3000 opt 320 For Series 39-58 opt 330 For Series 6x-70 The X.400 Server Software and OSI Transport Services may also be ordered separately for those customers who already own an HP 9000 system or for those who choose to create their own X.400 Server. The HP X.400 Server Bundle base configuration includes the following products: Hardware 360 SPU (P/N 98579A) High Speed Disk I/F (opt 010) Appropriate Languge Keyboard ThinLAN I/F (opt 017) 4 Slot DIO backplane (P/N 98242A) 700/92 Console terminal (P/N C1001G) RS-232 cable (P/N 13242G) 152 MB Hard Disk Drive (P/N 7958B) 1/4" Cartridge Tape Drive (P/N 9144A) 4-port RS232 MUX (P/N 98642A) Hayes 2400 Modem (P/N 92205B) Taboret Cabinet Rack (P/N 92211L) Software HP X.400 for the Series 300/400 (P/N 32031A) OSI Transport Services (P/N 32069A) HP-UX release 8.0 Software Bundle with media and documentation on a 1/4" tape cartridge (Includes NS/ARPA, AXE, PE and NFS)